
Welcome to the Southern Crescent District Website!

The Southern Crescent District is in the Atlanta Area Council, serving Scouts, Leaders and Parents in Clayton County and South Fulton County. See the BeAScout website for location and contact information for Cub Scout Packs (Kindergarten through 5th Grade are Cub Scouts), Scouts BSA Troops (end of 5th Grade to age 18), and Venturing Crews. 

For an overview of Scouting, see this "We Are Scouts" video or this Pack 1030 animoto; or this "What Scouting Does Right" video; or this one about Cub Scout Camping and Outdoor Activities!  Or this one from a Michigan Troop (the activities depicted have been done by local Troops too!), or these.  Deciding between Sports and Scouts (you can do both):  see this clip.  Like us on our Facebook Page! And see this Smugmug gallery of District Events and this older District Flickr Photo Site.  Need more information? Please contact:

Forgot how to Login (forgot the Username and Password)? Click here. Please see the "Menu" of items to the left.  As noted in the Website Guide, "About Us & How to Join" tells you about Scout Programs and Units, gives you the paperwork needed to join; Cub Scout Meeting Plans gives you "rip and run" complete plans for Meetings with your Scouts, and the Cub Scout Month by Month Activity Ideas will give you easy + fun ideas of cool places to go and things to do including this Great Big List of Places to Go (good for Scouts BSA Troops and Visiting Relatives too); "Leader Training" shows you how to learn more for an easier + better program, and more.  The Southern Crescent District serves South Fulton County, including Chattahoochee Hill Country, College Park, East Point, Fairburn, Hapeville, Palmetto & Union City, and Clayton County, including Jonesboro, Riverdale, Rex, Forest Park, Morrow, Lovejoy and Lake City; many of us are friends with the South Fulton County Chamber of Commerce, Keep South Fulton BeautifulSafe Kids Georgia programs.

Everyone Is Welcome -- Sign Up Here to Help -- District Pinewood Derby March 29

Posted on Mar 24 2025 - 3:39pm

The 2025 Southern Crescent District Pinewood Derby is March 29th – RACE DAY !!

Registration @ 8:00AM to 9:45AM… Race Starts Promptly At 10:00 AM

Sign Up Here to Help at the Pinewood Derby: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DA9A92EA5FFCE9-55670574-2025#/

Competition Is Open To All (Cubs, Siblings, & Adults)

  • Scouts Must Use Current Year Car (2025). A Scout Is Trustworthy
  • Race Entry Fee Is $5.00 Per Racer.
  • Concessions Will Be Available To Purchase.
  • Every Participant Will Receive PWD Patch and Certificate 

Starting in the 2024-2025 program year a Cub Scout can complete an Elective Adventure by participating in a Pinewood Derby and completing related requirements.  For more, see this page with resource pages with links and plans for how to lead Scouts and help them complete the six (rank by rank) Adventures.

Past District Pinewood Derby event links and other information can be found at the District Pinewood Derby page on this Website. 

More in the Calendar Entry found here.   Email webmaster@southfultonscouting.com if you need a reminder about the login.

Steps to Successful Scout Recruiting

Posted on Mar 24 2025 - 3:37pm

The Guide to Cub Scout Family Recruiting found in the downloads of the Atlanta Area Council Recruiting Resources main page describes steps for successful recruiting -- spoiler alert: Successful and Sustainable Recruiting Does Not Begin and End at School Sign Up Night!  If families are fired up at a Sign Up Night but have no Pack to join and no leaders to deliver a program, where are the new youth going to do Cub Scouting?  And do Packs with a handful of Leaders have the capacity to lead 50, 60, 80 or more?  No. 

To be successful, the best practice is to lay down the foundation with these Six Steps for Successful and Sustainable Recruiting and described in our Pack Run Recruiting Best Practices video, starting with:

(1) Make a Calendar of Fun Activities that families like -- activities they want to do -- if you plan those activities, you will be the Pack they want to join (you want families who want to "do" activities, not just "drop off" kids for you to mind). It's not too late! 

(2) Let People Know – Promote Your Fun Events! -- there are many ways, like Flyers (both Council Flyers and Do It Yourself Flyers), and you can make a "Pack Packet" Flyer (with your events, your pictures, and a QR code to have families contact you) --  share with your families (in hand, by email, text, social media), and encourage them to share with their friends (by hand, by email, text, social media) -- and use BeAScout and Online Registration, they can sign up right now,  You Can Do This Now!

(3) Recruit More Leaders and Helpers -- yes, you need to do this throughout your recruiting process.  We do "get it": recruiting is hard.  But that page has many ideas about ways to approach leader recruiting so that your Pack can become an "Every Parent Helps" Pack,  "Every Parent Helps" Should Be Your Message!

(4) Grow your School and Community Presence so that you're known beyond current Pack families and have strong school relations -- be sure to get in for Open House/Meet and Greet/Meet the Teacher events -- plus build positive Community and Church profile,

all of that leads to (5) Sign-Up Events: not just the "School Sign-Up Night" scheduled in tandem by your Pack Leaders and our District Executive (Isaiah Campbell) and run by both the District Professional and Pack Leaders, but also Fun Joining Events that you create for your own Pack and Dens!  Any Fun Den or Pack Activity can be a Welcoming Joining Event for New Families -- let them "test drive" Cub Scouting!  

(6)  Then ... the last step is more program that's fun for kids and families.  Sure, Cub Scout Adventures for Rank and all, but also just Fun, Simple, Easy Activities that you do just because you want fun, many of which you'll find on this Great Big List of Things to Do and Places to Go Around Atlanta.

Activity Ideas -- Month by Month

Posted on Mar 15 2025 - 10:53am

Our Activity Ideas, Month by Month page has suggestions for fun things you might do.  April and May highlights from that page include:

April: More Outdoors Ideas . . .      

May: End of Year Party or Event?   

Helping Units in Your District

Posted on Mar 15 2025 - 10:49am

What are the Possible Committee and Commissioner Roles Supporting Units, Leaders and YouthScouts, Scouters and Scouting Units are part of a worldwide brotherhood of Scouting, and we gather together at National, Territory and Council events, Multi District eventsDistrict Events, and events just between Units that connect to do things together.  The Atlanta Area Council organizes units in Clayton County and South Fulton County as a District called “Southern Crescent”.  Districts are responsible for carrying out four standard functions: programunit servicemembership and finance.

  • The program functions concentrate on helping Scouting units through training adult volunteers, youth advancement support, camping promotion, community service promotion, multi-unit activities (such as camp o rees, cub twilight camp, scout fairs, pinewood derbies, shooting sports events, fishing), and recognition of youth and adults, all of which activities are “unit support” to help units do more.
  • The unit service function of “commissioners” provides coaching and consultation by volunteers for unit adults to help ensure the success of every Scouting unit -- so commissioners stay abreast of and/or are involved in nearly all district unit support functions, and have a communication function to ensure units know of good program support opportunities -- all designed to support Membership growth and retention.
  • The membership function strives for growth through new members and leaders joining existing units and (where needed) growth through the organization of new Scouting units – this must work closely with unit service and program areas (like training, activities and commissioner service) to help units be successful.
  • The finance function supports units in fundraising and can help with financial practices, and sees that the district provides its share of funds to the total council operating budget.

Paid professionals, including District Executives, support these functions. 

In our "Ways to Volunteer in the District to Help Units" page are some ways that volunteers can help "beyond" just one Unit through these functions.  Want to Help?  Contact the District Chair or District Executive or take this Point and Click Survey, as nearly every role could use more help, assistants, potential successors.  Also, teams can form based on interests, plus new services, events and programs may arise if someone has the passion for it ... contact information for current district leaders and committee and commissioners are found in the "Adult Leader" section of the Roster.  email the webmaster if you need Login information.

Southern Crescent District, AAC, BSA

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