
Welcome to the Southern Crescent District Website!

The Southern Crescent District is in the Atlanta Area Council, serving Scouts, Leaders and Parents in Clayton County and South Fulton County. See the BeAScout website for location and contact information for Cub Scout Packs (Kindergarten through 5th Grade are Cub Scouts), Scouts BSA Troops (end of 5th Grade to age 18), and Venturing Crews. 

For an overview of Scouting, see this "We Are Scouts" video or this Pack 1030 animoto; or this "What Scouting Does Right" video; or this one about Cub Scout Camping and Outdoor Activities!  Or this one from a Michigan Troop (the activities depicted have been done by local Troops too!), or these.  Deciding between Sports and Scouts (you can do both):  see this clip.  Like us on our Facebook Page! And see this Smugmug gallery of District Events and this older District Flickr Photo Site.  Need more information? Please contact:

Forgot how to Login (forgot the Username and Password)? Click here. Please see the "Menu" of items to the left.  As noted in the Website Guide, "About Us & How to Join" tells you about Scout Programs and Units, gives you the paperwork needed to join; Cub Scout Meeting Plans gives you "rip and run" complete plans for Meetings with your Scouts, and the Cub Scout Month by Month Activity Ideas will give you easy + fun ideas of cool places to go and things to do including this Great Big List of Places to Go (good for Scouts BSA Troops and Visiting Relatives too); "Leader Training" shows you how to learn more for an easier + better program, and more.  The Southern Crescent District serves South Fulton County, including Chattahoochee Hill Country, College Park, East Point, Fairburn, Hapeville, Palmetto & Union City, and Clayton County, including Jonesboro, Riverdale, Rex, Forest Park, Morrow, Lovejoy and Lake City; many of us are friends with the South Fulton County Chamber of Commerce, Keep South Fulton BeautifulSafe Kids Georgia programs.

District Banquet This Saturday, February 8, 6:30 at Hapeville Baptist Church!!!!

Posted on Feb 4 2025 - 11:55am

Update: Micah Robinson Womack, District Banquet Chair posted in a chat "Please don’t forget to RSVP how many people will be attending our District Banquet this Saturday, February 8, 2025 @ 6:30 PM." (Micah's email is wrmicah48 at gmail.com)

A common tradition in “Districts” of Scouting America Councils is to gather annually at a Recognition Banquet in order to share fellowship, food, fun, festivity and recognize those leaders who are doing good things for our Scouts and the units that are engaging our Scouts.  This is a great time for Chartered Organizations to applaud the work of their leaders, for parents to recognize those who take their children out camping and lead them in den and pack meetings, and for all to reflect on the good things we've done for the Scouts.

From District Banquet Chair Micah Robinson Womack:  "Get Ready for a Back to the Future Night! 

District Members, Troop Leaders, and Scouting Families, 

We are just three weeks away from an unforgettable evening at the Southern Crescent District Banquet! Please mark your calendars for:

  • Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
  • Time: 6:30 PM
  • Location: Hapeville Baptist Church at 612 College St, Hapeville GA
  • Cost: $5.00 per adult, $2.00 per scout.  Pay at the door.
  • Please bring desserts to share and we are having a cookie and brownie bake off.

This year’s banquet theme is "Back to the Future," so gather your troops, packs, and excitement for an evening filled with:

  • Fun activities and fellowship
  • Celebrating achievements
  • Delicious food to enjoy and memories to cherish

Let’s honor the hard work and dedication of our district while stepping into a night of timeless fun!

We can’t wait to see you all there!

Warm regards,

Micah Robinson Womack, District Banquet Chair  

P.S. Dust off your DeLorean-inspired ideas and bring your troop’s best energy to make this a night to remember!

Help for Den Leaders -- "Assembled" Den Meeting Plans

Posted on Jan 25 2025 - 4:56pm

Do you like the new and simpler requirements for each Cub Scout Adventure?

  • Where you don't have to pick and choose which requirements to do?
  • Cool!  Simple.  Easy. 

But what about the new National Resources for each Cub Scout Adventure?  Are they Simple and Easy?

  • You must pick and choose which which activities to do!
  • You have to go somewhere else to find out how to do a Den Meeting!
  • You have to assemble the activities you pick into the other parts of a Den Meeting!
  • Is that Simple??  Is that Easy??  No.  We can do better.

To help den leaders, we've assembled 126 Cub Scout Adventures into a Den Meeting Plan format with added videos and tips to make leading Cub Scouts easier.  Really.  Click here for more, or keep reading below.  Email webmaster@southfultonscouting.com if you need a reminder about the login

Camp Cards Information - You Can Register Now For This Easy Fundraiser

Posted on Jan 25 2025 - 4:53pm

Did you know?  Camp Cards are an excellent way for Scouts to earn their way to do Scouting -- not just camping, but all of Scouting.

These cards, created in partnership with local and national businesses, offer discounts to supporters of Scouting who purchase the Camp Card. Cards are sold by Scouts to members of their community. Profits from these cards are split evenly between the council and the individual Scout. The funds a Scout earns can be used towards Summer Camp or other Scouting activities.

If like last year, Units participating in this program will earn 50% commission ($5.00) for each $10 Camp Card they sell -- so, for every $10.00 card sold, your Scout earns $5.00 for themselves or their Unit. The sale begins in February and ends in April - but you can register now to participate.  More information and registration information is at www.atlantabsa.org/campcards.

Opt In, Opt Out

Posted on Jan 25 2025 - 4:53pm

If you're no longer involved or interested in Scouting and you want to "opt out" of these messages, email the Webmaster and we'll drop you from the list.  But If you want to be "all in" on Scouting, see our Leader Training page (good resources for parents too through the National On Line Training site at ScoutingU with the same login as at My.Scouting.Org), and if you want the login codes, just email the Webmaster ...

Southern Crescent District, AAC, BSA

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