The Southern Crescent District is in the Atlanta Area Council, serving Scouts, Leaders and Parents in Clayton County and South Fulton County. See the BeAScout website for location and contact information for Cub Scout Packs (Kindergarten through 5th Grade are Cub Scouts), Scouts BSA Troops (end of 5th Grade to age 18), and Venturing Crews.
For an overview of Scouting, see this "We Are Scouts" video or this Pack 1030 animoto; or this "What Scouting Does Right" video; or this one about Cub Scout Camping and Outdoor Activities! Or this one from a Michigan Troop (the activities depicted have been done by local Troops too!), or these. Deciding between Sports and Scouts (you can do both): see this clip. Like us on our Facebook Page! And see the District Flickr Photo Site. Need more information? Please contact:
- Our District Chair, Eric Marcus, our District Commissioner, Sonya Patterson-Reid, or our District Executive Isaiah Campbell, or all of them at this email.
- Our Units (Packs, Troops and Crews) through the contacts in the Roster of District and Unit Adults.
Forgot how to Login (forgot the Username and Password)? Click here. Please see the "Menu" of items to the left. As noted in the Website Guide, "About Us & How to Join" tells you about Scout Programs and Units, gives you the paperwork needed to join; Cub Scout Meeting Plans gives you "rip and run" complete plans for Meetings with your Scouts, and the Cub Scout Month by Month Activity Ideas will give you easy + fun ideas of cool places to go and things to do including this Great Big List of Places to Go (good for Scouts BSA Troops and Visiting Relatives too); "Leader Training" shows you how to learn more for an easier + better program, and more. The Southern Crescent District serves South Fulton County, including Chattahoochee Hill Country, College Park, East Point, Fairburn, Hapeville, Palmetto & Union City, and Clayton County, including Jonesboro, Riverdale, Rex, Forest Park, Morrow, Lovejoy and Lake City; many of us are friends with the South Fulton County Chamber of Commerce, Keep South Fulton Beautiful, Safe Kids Georgia programs.